300 (45)

300 (2007)
Country: United States
Director: Zack Snyder

Style over substance. At first thought, it was a beautifully looking film, a stunning cinematography and out-of-this-world techs. I gotta say though, it was a bit intimidating watching all those bodies full of muscles. The problem with the film is it's obsessive intention of entertaining visually and not taking the responsability of recreating a beautiful epic story. We're not given much time to care about the characters, Snyder slightly introduces them and immediately tries to hide all the plotholes through bloody battles. The story is simply too shallow to entertain, unless you love video games, because to me, this was just a videogame. Unfortunately, we're not given the chance to touch the control. Most of the performances were over the top, except maybe for the lead actor, who I must admit was very funny, but sometimes unintentionally funny.

1 comentarios:

    un saludo cordial!

    a mi si me gusto... pero es muy cierto, no me habia puesto a pensar que fue como un videojuego...

    una pregunta
    entonces vas a ir a Morelia o vives ahi? porque no haces algun tipo de covertura sobre el festival? ojala y lo hicieras ya que siempre es dificil estar informado sobre ese festival...



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